Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gmail - Inbox (8969) -

(4) Jacob C,Seth,Curtis McGrew,Erik
You have invited Seth to this chat.
This is now a group chat. Add another person.
Seth Smith-Dryden has joined.
Curtis McGrew has joined.
Seth: lol
You have invited lorderik to this chat.
Erik has joined.
me: YEAH
Seth: Oh God.
Erik: Curtis, I blame you!
Curtis McGrew: i was on the shitter
what did i miss
Erik: So was Congress.
me: LOL
Seth: lol
Curtis McGrew: passed it or denied it?
Seth: Curtis... are you on the congress by chance?
hides knife behind back
me: Passed it
Curtis McGrew: i would have more time to be on the computer if i was seth
hey, quick question:
Seth: Yes
Curtis McGrew: Bleeding Art Design, how does that sound for a username on a freelance site
it would just be me
Seth: Morbid?
me: Sounds like
Seth: Death?
Curtis McGrew: lmao
Seth: Bodies?
me: You kill paintings
Curtis McGrew: no go eh?
Erik: lol.
me: It's a little morbid but I suppose it depends on your audience
Seth: I'd go for the thesaurus
Curtis McGrew: logo design audience
Seth: Gushing
Curtis McGrew: t just used to be my "company" when i was a kid
Seth: Open vein
Curtis McGrew: dead seth
Seth: Exude
This is GOLD Curtis
Curtis McGrew: stoppit
Seth: Take notes
Curtis McGrew: lmao
im trying to get a yob here!
me: I think you should call it. Asian Art Kid
Seth: Jeaaaaaaaooooorrrrb?
me: Or
Curtis McGrew: JORB
Erik: And if you ever need graphic design, and if you think it's beyond Curtis here... use this.
me: Asian Kid Art
Erik: McAsian
me: I make Logos
Curtis McGrew: i refuse to call it anything asian
me: That's another good one
Curtis McGrew: this is super cereal
that is probably taken
not that i would use it
me: Cinnamon Toast Logos.
Erik: My buddy was working on a business card this weekend, and randomly said... 'hey... I found the mcsmashie font!'
Seth: You gotta have the R
Curtis McGrew: Erik, ask V for me since these two bozos are no help!
Seth: LOL
me: BoozerArtDesign
Erik: What do you want from her?
Curtis McGrew: a name
Seth: PerfuselyOozingArtDesign.
Curtis McGrew: lmao
me: QueefingGoodArt
Seth: lol
Curtis McGrew: so using that for a sex art profile
me: LOL
Curtis McGrew: i should do that
Seth: hahahaha
Curtis McGrew: they make a LOT of money
me: So good it'll make your pussy Queef
Seth: QueefiliciousArtDesign
me: VVhat's that you don't have a pussy? You're probably gay
Curtis McGrew: your bad ideas are ruining my thoughts!
Seth: lol
Listen to Congress
I bet they have great ideas
Curtis McGrew: i dont like congress
me: Hovv about, HealthCareReformArt
Curtis McGrew: LMAO
Seth: LOL
Erik: DeviantArt?
Seth: hahaha
me: DelTaco
Curtis McGrew: not you too erik!
Seth: Del Taco
I called DelHomme that
Well, what is the THEME? lol
Curtis McGrew: okay, any serious suggestions?
me: CurtyTheArtDuder
Seth: Theme?
What are we aiming at?
I'm shooting blanks over here.
Erik: Yeah...
me: Curtnessmonster
Curtis McGrew: we can get back to the funny ones in a sec
me: Oh ok
Seth: The gas is giving me ideas
Everything we do and say should be recorded by cameras!
Curtis McGrew: go with the gas
me: OozingPixels
Curtis McGrew: dont like the oozing
Erik: Ooh.
Seth: Think walt disney would be interested?
me: BleedingPixels?
Erik: Screaming pixels!
Curtis McGrew: not if it has jews
Erik: That would be burning pixels.
Seth: OozingJewsArtDesign
Curtis McGrew: not meant to be racist towards jewish
me: I preffer StinkyBoxSniffer
Curtis McGrew: sonofa
me: :D
Seth: What is the goal of your site?
What KIND of art?
Curtis McGrew: it is on a freelance site
designing logos
Seth: Logos
Curtis McGrew: and i bid for jobs
me: Logoriffic
Erik: Asianlogosdotcom?
Seth: LOL
Curtis McGrew: im banning erik
me: Well we all know Asians have sideways vaginas
Curtis McGrew: one day he will hang the mod powers
me: SO why not SideWaysLogos
Curtis McGrew: ........
me: CrookedArt
Seth: NoGosArt
me: SlantyDesigns
Seth: lol
me: Hmm
And you can pay us proceeds
Seth: LOL
Curtis McGrew: im going to poop on your faces
Erik: Sithlogos?
me: So you're German?
Seth: Asian
Curtis McGrew: dunno why i ever thought this was a good idea to ask you guys, lol
me: SOrry
Seth: hahahaha
Curtis McGrew: both
Seth: I'm in my dumbass mood
Can't... think...
Curtis McGrew: does it ever turn off seth?
Erik: I don't want to turn on seth.
Curtis McGrew: too late
Seth: I tell it to stop spinning, but it keeps going around
me: I'm not good at being serious
Seth: Lets mash some design words together.
Curtis McGrew: Scrumtrulescent
Erik: creativecreating
Seth: lol
Curtis McGrew: dammit
me: PixieDeminsion
Seth: Yeah
Erik: CreativeDeviants
Seth: That's a good one Curtis
Damn and it
Curtis McGrew: thanks
me: BestLogosEver
Curtis McGrew: i spent all night on it
Seth: Were is ELECTRIC COMPANY when you need it?
me: LogosByGod?
Seth: Pathos
Curtis McGrew: okay, ill be back
Seth: Ethos
Seth: lol
Curtis McGrew: im gonna play something
Seth: Played for FOOL
me: Play watch some porno?
Curtis McGrew: im sorry, the correct joke, was a masturbation joke
jake wins
Seth: :(
Curtis McGrew: nono, you already lost seth
Seth: lmao
me: That's wasome
Seth: Good luck getting a job with that
me: Call it. RustyTromboneInc
Seth: This must go on the BLOG
Curtis McGrew: FUCK
Seth: This is officially awesome
Curtis McGrew: you can quote me saying that too
me: Yeah
Seth you posting it?
Seth: I don't have teh button
I thought you could just press something to post it
me: I can't blog my e-mail
Seth: Or whateva
me: LOL
Seth: :(
me: I'll just copy paste the whole thing
Seth: :D
:D esign

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